Would You Like to Win £50 of Vouchers, Thanks to Your Cat?
As part of its Autumn parasite protection initiative, Bayer Animal Health – makers of Advantage and Drontal – has launched ‘Home Invaders’, a national campaign highlighting the parasites that can invade our homes and affect our health, and they want to hear from you!
As part of the campaign Bayer is looking for stories from people who have been affected by toxocariasis, an infection caused by the roundworm parasite. It’s spread from animals to humans via infected dog and cat faeces and can lead to blindness. Children are at risk in particular because they are more likely to come into contact with contaminated soil when they play and put their hands in their mouths.
Comment below leaving your email address hidden behind your username and share your stories if your cat has been affected by roundworm. Any pet tales selected by Bayer will receive a £50 John Lewis voucher!
We look forward to reading your stories 🙂
FREE GIFT subscriptions to the first 20,000 cat lovers who register.
My cat Alice Is a cute black and white who`s a typical teenager of 14 or 15 in cat years she is 15months old in human years, she wants to go out on her travels around her neighbourhood she like to go out at night and wakes us up by scratching our bedroom window to get in at 3am or so then wanting her cat food then wanting to go out soon after this. Let’s hope she grows out of this but still love her to bits my little bundle of black and white fur bless her
I have 5 cats yes 5 all different ages but I must admit I got a favourite and she knows it she a typical cat in and out but if she can’t find me at night she constantly cries waking the whole house untill I call her to come to mummy’s bed she’s so sweet ya gonna love her
Very unusual carry on for a female.Sounds more like a tom.
My cat – Coral – (age 50mths+) is a stand up comedian and physio, she makes me laugh so much – and helps with mobility -when my legs hurt after one of those feeling wrecked days – she meows and meows, so I can be motivated to fill up her bowl with some dry cat food. She is a real lifesaver! I eventually get there – after a few groans -she is waiting at her bowl – wagging her tail, and purring with real friendly sociability, real patient and kind. She then sits and waits for me to do the honours – fill her bowl with her treat for the day. After she has lapped it, real happily, she sits by me with real loyalty and governance licking her paws – like she is saying “job well done,” “we must do it again sometime.” I have real admiration for her – as she helps me to look after myself on those real off colour days.
I have 3 rescue cats – we got them 8 years ago, a Mum and her two kittens. The larger kitten – called Emmenthal Gargantua (Big Cheese) was always the naughty one. She has been in so many scrapes you would not believe. To name two recent incidents:
– we were nearly arrested by the police because Emmenthal would not leave a neighbour’s house.
– she broke into a neighour’s flat and and stole their parakeet – of course she killed it
– she has broken into numerous flats and attacked peaceful cats – their owners have been round to us to tell us that Emmenthal has ‘behavioral problems’
– she has broken three cat flaps – becasue she just crashes through them….
The other two cats are relatively normal – but Emmenthal has always been rather potty. We adore her. She is a great big fat fluffy black cat with enormous teeth. Hugely photogenic. She must have been a film star diva in her previous life……
My gorgeous little Izzy Pride is a bundle of fun and joy and only 3 and half months old – a week kitten. I collected her at 7 weeks old, she was an early starter and had weaned herself at 5 weeks and was totally independent of her mum Izzy whom she looks like. Pride because I collected her on the Pride weekend.
I have had the most difficult 6 months of my life, and she is helping me keep it together and be strong. My beloved husband has died, and my mum, and my eldest cat! Don’t know what I’d do without Izzy.